Hello, I'm Selena, and welcome to in bloom, my trading collective! This site houses all of my TCGs I'm a member of, and all of the updates within. I try my best to update when I can ❤

I'm currently still on a hiatus as I catch up with TCGs!


Hello, I'm Selena, and welcome to in bloom, my trading collective! ❤ in bloom refers to the eternal action of all flowers, environment and other factors notwithstanding; they will always find their way to be in bloom. It also refers to my main domain, which is also known as the Wisteria Memories Network (and is one of my favorite flowers).

I have been playing TCGs on and off since my last year of high school, and I enjoy it a lot! I first found out about TCGs from an online friend who was a member of Himitsu, and it all started from there. Fun fact: my top 3 TCGs I've ever played is Rapture, Sakura, and Gleam.

I bought dollheart.org in July 2023, and am still (!!!) currently graciously hosted by Cami, who has put up with my TCG shenanigans for years. Thank you!